Sunday, April 28, 2013

Kumpulan Peribahasa Indonesia

Berikut ini merupakan peribahasa Indonesia yang serins ditemukan:

1.     Menang jadi arang, kalah jadi abu.
Sama-sama merugi setelah bertengkar.
2.     Ada bunga, ada lebah
Tempat yang banyak mendatangkan rezeki pasti banyak pula orang yang berdatangan.
3.     Ada udang di balik batu
Ada keinginan yang disembunyikan.
4.     Adat sepanjang jalan, cupak sepanjang betung
Dalam melakukan sesuatu harus sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku.
5.     Hidup dikandung adat, mati dikandung tanah
Hidup di lain daerah harus dapat mengikuti adat yang berlaku.
6.     Adat lama pusaka usang
Adat istiadat yang tak berubah.
7.     Air susu dibalas dengan air tuba
Kebaikan dibalas dengan kejahatan.

Cara Mengembangkan Kepercayaan Diri

            Ada tiga pedoman untuk menikatkan kepercayaan diri pada diri sendiri, yaitu:
1.     Berfikir sukses. Jangan pernah berfikir gagal, setiap pekerjaan harus diawali dengan pikiran yang positif. Di tempat kerja, rumah, sekolah, sebaiknya berfikir kamu akan sukses. Apabila menghadapi situasi sukar, berpikirlah: “Aku berhasil”, dan jangan berfikir “aku gagal”. Jika kamu bersaing demgan orang lain, berfikirlah: “saya memiliki kemampuan yang sama dengan orang-orang disini, bahkan lebih”. Dan jika mendapat suatu kesempatan berfikrlah “ saya dapat melakukanya ”. berfikir sukses akan menetukan jenis pikiranmu dan membuatnya mampu membuat rencanda menuju keberhasilan.

Application Letter


            A letter of application, also known as a cover letter, is a document sent with your resume to provide additional information on your skills and experience.
A type of letter you may called on write at any time is a application letter. You may be writing to ask for a summer or after-school job. Or you may want to be considered for a school program or a summer champ where students are given special training in computer, music, sport.
            Employer or those who must select candidates for special programs ask for letter from applicants. This is true even when the job or special training you apply for has little to do whit writing ability. Those who select people for special programs may fell that a well-planed and correctly written letter will tell them a great deal about an applicant.

Cause and Effect Essay

Cause and Effect Writing Interview

What causes students to cheat on test?

Erlin:    less preparation
            More playing

Mita:   Lack of confidence
           Not study before test

Lia :    not study before test
           Don’t understand about material

What is the effects of student cheating when test?

Erlin:   bad value

Mita:   bad value
          Become lazy to learn

Lia:    not satisfied because the value they get is not show their own abilities 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How to Make Pineapple Jam

How to Make Pineapple Jam

                Pineapple jam is a complement to eat bun to breakfast. Many people like pineapple jam because this taste is sour and it is jibe with bun. To make pineapple jam is easy, but many people can’t make pineapple jam. Now I want to help you to make pineapple jam, and it is an easy process to following for many people.
            First, you must prepare material to make pineapple jam; it is an important to make pineapple jam so that we are don’t mistake. This material is pineapple, sugar, water, and cassia. It is simple material to search with you. After you prepare this material you are ready to make pineapple jam in home.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Sejarah Komputer

Sejarah Komputer Generasi Pertama

Pada tahun 1941, seorang insinyur jerman – Konrad Zuse berhasil membangun sebuah komputer Z3 yang digunakan untuk mendesain pesawat terbang dan juga peluru kendali.
Komputer Generasi pertama dikarakteristik dengan fakta bahwa instruksi operasi dibuat secara spesifik untuk suatu tugas tertentu. Setiap komputer memiliki program kode-biner yang berbeda yang disebut “bahasa mesin” (machine language). Hal ini menyebabkan komputer sulit untuk diprogram dan membatasi kecepatannya. Ciri lain komputer generasi pertama adalah penggunaan tube vakum (yang membuat komputer pada masa tersebut berukuran sangat besar) dan silinder magnetik untuk penyimpanan data.

Dieng Temple

Dieng temple is a historic tourist area. Dieng temple has typical of Hindu religion temple. Dieng temple was founded in 713 Saka or 809 BC. Dieng temple initially estimated has 800 temples, but until this time there were only about 8 temples. The eight temples namely Candi Arjuna, Candi Semar, Candi Srikandi, Candi Puntadewa, Candi Sembadra, Candi Bima, Candi Dwarawati, and Candi Gatotkaca. From Dieng Temple we are became understand about Hindu religion temple, so holiday in dieng temple is a good choose.

First, Dieng temple is located in Dieng Plateau, Wonosobo, and Central Java, Indonesia. Dieng temple is located on 2000 meters above sea level. It is about 25 km from Wonosobo. Dieng temple is located on two districts. It located between Wonosobo and Banjarnegara, and near the Dieng temple complex there some tourists area like kawah sikidang and so on.

Second, Dieng temple is usually visited by domestic and foreigner. Dieng temple is very crowded when holiday is coming, because the tourists usually come on that time. Dieng tourist area has so many facilities such as hotel and restaurant. The restaurants in Dieng tourist area also have some local food from Dieng such as Sambal goreng kentang, Mie ongklok, Soto jamur dieng and so on. Dieng also have some souvenir like jamur dieng, carica syrup and so on.

In my conclusion, Dieng temple complex have beautiful scenery with beautiful park around thee temple complex. The air in Dieng temple complex is cool because Dieng temple complex located in a plateau. Dieng temple complex is clean area and the location is green. The weather in Dieng complex temple is unpredictable because it is located in a plateau.